Saturday Night @ The Movies: Neighbors

Saturday Night @ The Movies: NeighborsI suspect that when most of us grew up, the American suburbs were still a calm, tranquil place. No matter what news got out, no matter what world event was shaping the destiny of America, everyone’s lawn was still cut, cars were still being washed in the driveway and maintaining a symbiotic relationship with your neighbors was of vital importance. As Neighbors, which is available in the Xbox Video store this weekend displays, that’s no longer the case.

Saturday Night @ The Movies: Neighbors

Games With Gold Gives Xbox 360 Users ‘Halo Reach’ for free

Games With Gold Gives Xbox 360 Users ‘Halo Reach’ for freeIf you're one of the millions of Xbox 360 owners who somehow never managed to experience the masterpiece and monument to artful story telling that was Bungie's Halo Reach, shame on you. That being said you can fix that pretty easily if you have an Xbox Live Gold account. Microsoft's Games With Gold promotion is handing out free copies of Halo Reach for the rest of September.

Games With Gold Gives Xbox 360 Users ‘Halo Reach’ for free