Fed up with having to explain to users whether they're watching in-game footage or something else, it seems more and more video game developers are turning to live action trailers as a way to sell their games. Take this new Sunset Overdrive trailer, in it all hell breaks loose and you don't see the actual game once.
Tonight on Xbox Live: Watch Bears vs. Jets
So you're looking at that Xbox One right in front of you and thinking that there's just not enough action left in that random favorite game of yours to justify missing the Bears Vs. Jets game that'll be on in just a few hours. You could abandon the safety blanket that is Xbox Live for the live game, or you could catch Bears Vs. Jets game on Xbox One.
Assassin’s Creed Unity Season Pass Trailer
The new Assassin's Creed Unity Season Pass Trailer reveals what Xbox One and PlayStation 5 users can expect when they pick up the $30 pass plus the game.
Saturday Night @ The Movies: Neighbors
I suspect that when most of us grew up, the American suburbs were still a calm, tranquil place. No matter what news got out, no matter what world event was shaping the destiny of America, everyone’s lawn was still cut, cars were still being washed in the driveway and maintaining a symbiotic relationship with your neighbors was of vital importance. As Neighbors, which is available in the Xbox Video store this weekend displays, that’s no longer the case.
Xbox One controller gets repackaged for Windows users
At some point at least someone out there has asked themselves what you get when you cross an Xbox One's wireless controller, the USB cable from the Xbox One's Plug and Charge Kit and software that allows Windows PCs to communicate with them both. As it turns out, you get the Xbox One Controller + Cable for Windows that's coming in November.
‘The Walking Dead’ goes on sale in Xbox Video
We can't say that we've known many fans of AMC's The Walking Dead. That's not a knock against the show -- plenty of people love it as we're constantly reminded on Twitter. We suspect many more Xbox One, Xbox 360, Windows Phone and Windows 8 fans will love it soon too. Microsoft has slashed prices on all four seasons of The Walking Dead for a limited time.
My path to enlightment started with the Xbox One
I don’t know how many times I thought about purchasing a Windows Phone once I had an Xbox. The part of my character that likes to think I don’t obsess over this kind of thing has me thinking once or twice. I’ll be honest though, it had to be more than that.
Games With Gold Gives Xbox 360 Users ‘Halo Reach’ for free
If you're one of the millions of Xbox 360 owners who somehow never managed to experience the masterpiece and monument to artful story telling that was Bungie's Halo Reach, shame on you. That being said you can fix that pretty easily if you have an Xbox Live Gold account. Microsoft's Games With Gold promotion is handing out free copies of Halo Reach for the rest of September.
Windows 9 event scheduled for September 30th
Microsoft has sent out invites for a September 30th event that almost all reports indicate will give the technology community their first look at Windows 9.
‘Minecraft’ will soon belong to Microsoft
Microsoft, makers of the Xbox One and all other sorts of consumer entertainment and productivity extras from the home and office, is making waves with an announcement it made this morning. Earlier today the company revealed it's purchasing Mojang, makers of the survival and open-world wonder that is Minecraft.