Ask enConnected: Xbox and Windows Phone, Xbox One & Pricing

Ask enConnected: Xbox and Windows Phone, Xbox One & PricingHow much people are dedicated to the things they purchase has always been interesting. When someone has paid their own hard-earned money for something – anything really – they become flip sides of the same coin. There are the users who’ve spent their money on something and loved it, and tell other people they love it too. Then there are the people who feel cheated; the people who know deep down that they’ve just been ripped off.

Ask enConnected: Xbox and Windows Phone, Xbox One & Pricing

See it Soon: ‘Gilmore Girls’ is coming to Netflix

See it Soon: ‘Gilmore Girls’ is coming to NetflixNetflix is once again taking the screws to other video streaming services available on the Xbox One and Xbox 360 like Hulu Plus and Amazon Instant. Instead of producing a new flagship program the likes of House of Cards, the company is taking a different tack. It's signed an exclusive deal to bring the 2000s phenomenon Gilmore Girls to Xbox One, Xbox 360 and nearly every other device with an internet connection.

See it Soon: ‘Gilmore Girls’ is coming to Netflix