Sunday Sitdown: The Cost of Being Interested

Sunday Sitdown: The Cost of Being InterestedI don’t get to do it as often as I would like, but sometimes I spend a few minutes browsing the internet. I don’t usually go anywhere special. I mostly browse my favorite non-tech related websites to get away from the constant stream of internet natives telling tales about how the internet will change the world and industry stalwarts proclaiming that only by reading the details of their latest book can we grasp what’s coming next.

Sunday Sitdown: The Cost of Being Interested

enConnected Live returns on April 7th

enConnected Live returns on April 7thDo you need all the latest Microsoft connected entertainment news but don't have the time to read our posts each week? Great. We've got a cure for that. enConnected Live, the only podcast the brought you the latest in Zune news for two full seasons, is coming back on April 7th as a Microsoft consumer and entertainment focused audio show. We apologize for Trav's squeaky voice in advance.

enConnected Live returns on April 7th