Turbo Fast Is Now Available on Netflix

Turbo Fast Is Now Available on NetflixLock your doors and hide that remote folks. Once the kid in your home reads this they won't want to do anything else besides settle down in front of something that allows them to stream Netflix and immediately blow through the first four episodes of Turbo Fast, the Netflix original series based on the DreamWorks movie of nearly the same name.

Turbo Fast Is Now Available on Netflix

The Culture: A Study In Titanfall

The Culture: A Study In TitanfallWe'll admit to having spent for a minutes thinking critically about the motivations and story behind Titanfall, the first exclusive title for the Xbox One. Honestly, it was a pretty light pre-launch weekend. Apparently, there are others who've thought critically about the game's different parts to based on this web comic from Dorkly.

The Culture: A Study In Titanfall

Editorials: The Xbox One Hasn’t Lost, We All Have

Editorials: The Xbox One Hasn’t Lost, We All HaveI’ve heard this nonsense over the past few months repeatedly. Saddled with a higher price than it charged users for the Xbox 360, somehow some people have gotten it into their head that Microsoft has dug a hole it can’t get itself out of with the Xbox One. You’ve probably seen them too. Long stories asking how Titanfall, the newly released first-person shooter, can “save the Xbox from its fall.” Bulleted lists of reasons how Microsoft can win back the gaming elite and ride into the sunset.

Editorials: The Xbox One Hasn’t Lost, We All Have

Saturday Night @ the Movies: The Spectacuar Now

Saturday Night @ the Movies: The Spectacuar NowI think its fair to assume that the Coming-of-Age movie, you know, where the young person you're following throughout the movie suddenly blossoms into an all-knowing adult, hasn't changed much since its inception in the 1980s. Don't get me wrong, I like this type of film. In fact, any kind of film that shows some personal growth on the character's part is right up my alley. I mention this because The Spectacular Now, a small independent film, blows away nearly every Coming-of-Age-movie stereotype. Seriously, it doesn't stick to any of them.

Saturday Night @ the Movies: The Spectacuar Now