At least, that is the impression that the Xbox One Tour website gives off. As of right now most of the tour's dates are set again. We heard from more than a few users who felt slighted by Microsoft after the company began rearranging dates in Colorado and Washington D.C. this past weekend.
Xbox One Tour stops begin reappearing on Xbox Tour schedule
At least, that is the impression that the Xbox One Tour website gives off. As of right now most of the tour's dates are set again. We heard from more than a few users who felt slighted by Microsoft after the company began rearranging dates in Colorado and Washington D.C. this past weekend.
Xbox One Tour stops begin reappearing on Xbox Tour schedule
At least, that is the impression that the Xbox One Tour website gives off. As of right now most of the tour's dates are set again. We heard from more than a few users who felt slighted by Microsoft after the company began rearranging dates in Colorado and Washington D.C. this past weekend.
Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week for October 29th: Prey & more
Just in time for the relevant spooky music and scary looking creatures comes this week's Xbox LIVE Deal of the Week. Seriously, we're talking haunting music and dead people walking around.
Redbox Instant and TuneIn Radio arrive for the PlayStation 3
Microsoft's Xbox One may be dominating the home entertainment landscape with its bevy of third-party applications, but Sony isn't letting the company horde all of the best entertainment applications. Today, the company announced two new entertainment apps coming to its ecosystem, Redbox Instant Streaming and TuneIn Radio.
Redbox Instant and TuneIn Radio arrive for the PlayStation 3
PR: Xbox One Invitiation
The latest television advertisement for Microsoft's Xbox One video game console.
New Xbox One video highlights voice controls, and app switching
Just because users may never need to switch from watching television shows, to video recording in their favorite games, to making Skype calls and browsing the internet doesn't mean they shouldn't have the power to do so. At least, that's what we're taking away from the small video showcasing a few of the Xbox One's features on the revamped
New Xbox One video highlights voice controls, and app switching
The Favs – October 27th: Kickstarting indie games and reviewing the Surface Pro 2
Kicking starting indie game development, reviewing the Surface Pro 2 and buying the Xbox One on launch day.
The Favs – October 27th: Kickstarting indie games and reviewing the Surface Pro 2
Saturday Night @ the Movies: Rapture-Palooza
We here at enConnected don't always recommend the best movies on Saturday night. Sometimes our movie recommendations fall flat because they just aren't as exciting to normal movie watchers as we thought they would be. More often than that, it's because we're sent way too many early movie screeners and have trouble deciphering absolute nonsense from quality filmmaking. For example, this week we're asking that users check out Rapturepalooza in the Xbox Video Store.
From The Social: Remember when Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone was a big deal?
I happened to start going through the giant disaster area that is my spare hard drive and came upon a few of the early videos I did for the site concerning Xbox and Windows Phone. While the videos were horrible, so bad that I made sure I didn't post them on the old ZuneSpring YouTube page, they kind of got me thinking about the state of Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone.
From The Social: Remember when Xbox LIVE on Windows Phone was a big deal?