Those looking to experience the fruits of an Xbox LIVE Gold Pass can do so, -for free this weekend only.
Until Monday morning all Xbox LIVE users will be able to experience free streaming content using the various sports streaming applications available on Xbox LIVE including, NBA Game Time for Xbox LIVE, ESPN on Xbox LIVE, MLB.TV, and NHL GameCenter. The availability of ESPN on Xbox depends on your cable network. As of press time that includes Comcast, AT&T. Readers who’ve had specific experiences with the application working on other cable companies should drop us a comment or send us a tip.
UFC will also be unlocked for users, and will hosting access to free fights on April 25th.
Canadians Xbox LIVE users will be able to enjoy live games from the Hockey Night in Canada on Xbox application in their neck of the woods.
Remember, despite their ability to be launched without an Xbox LIVE Free account, NHL GameCenter, MLB.TV, and NBA Game Time will still require an account to those services.