Reagent Games' Crackdown 3 open-world game will launch this November. That sound you hear is every Xbox One owner around the world also exclaiming, "finally!"
Original Xbox games are coming to Xbox One
Just in case there wasn't enough for you to play on your Xbox One, Microsoft has a surprise for you. It's bringing games from the original Xbox to the Xbox One later this year.
Introducing Xbox One X
Microsoft's new Xbox One X video game console will offer better looking Xbox One games in a body that's smaller than any previous Xbox One console.
The Xbox Handbook: Choosing the Right Xbox
Each way of gaming in the Xbox ecosystem has its advantages and disadvantages. As such, you want to choose the one that works best for what you’d like to do. Think about what games you’d like to play and how you’d like to play them.
The post The Xbox Handbook: Choosing the Right Xbox appeared first on The en.
The Xbox Handbook: Choosing the Right Xbox
Each way of gaming in the Xbox ecosystem has its advantages and disadvantages. As such, you want to choose the one that works best for what you’d like to do. Think about what games you’d like to play and how you’d like to play them.
Tonight on Xbox Live: Watch the 2017 NBA Finals
Steph Curry and Lebron are at it again, and you can watch from the comfort of your own living room. Tonight you can watch the 2017 NBA Finals on the Xbox One and Xbox 360, provided you know where to look.
Quick Words: Of Thurrott and Xbox Game Pass
Good criticism can be invaluable, but sometimes people can overreach. Certainly, some comments leveled at Xbox Game Pass are way off base.
Quick Words: Of Thurrott and Xbox Game Pass
Good criticism can be invaluable, but sometimes people can overreach. Certainly, some comments leveled at Xbox Game Pass are way off base.
See it Now: ‘House of Cards’ Season 5 is on Netflix and Xbox
I know that long weekend hit you guys hard. It certainly did me. Put down that control and get back into the swing of things with House of Cards. Netflix just dropped a new season of the show in its many apps. Frank and Claire aren't playing around.
See it Now: ‘House of Cards’ Season 5 is on Netflix and Xbox
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild review
There is a moment very early on in Breath of the Wild where Nintendo hooks you on the promise of what the game offers. The beginning is slow-paced; your standard exercise of tutorials on basic controls and mechanics.