The Culture: Hey now, ‘Smart Guy’ is 20 and still a classic

The Culture: Hey now, ‘Smart Guy’ is 20 and still a classicI hesitated to run a short piece about Smart Guy so soon after I published a glowing review of the Power Rangers movie. I mean, if there's one thing I can't stand, it's constant navel gazing about how much better the past was than the present is. I don't care, though because a recent piece celebrating the 20th anniversary of Smart Guy has me ready to queue clips on YouTube and forget all my troubles.

The Culture: Hey now, ‘Smart Guy’ is 20 and still a classic

Saturday Night @ the Movies: The ‘Power Rangers’ movie is flames

Saturday Night @ the Movies: The ‘Power Rangers’ movie is flamesEven after the decades that have passed, hearing someone scream “It’s morphing time” still feels special. The Power Rangers series that aired in the 1990s receives a lot of credit for being a cultural icon. It was, but describing it as that leaves so much nuance out. To a generation of kids that didn’t have much else to watch and didn’t have parents to let them in after school, the Power Rangers were a morality play. Here were five teenagers from a nowhere town that looked like you and talked like you. They got good grades and battled monsters. Here was this world that was fair, just and understanding

Saturday Night @ the Movies: The ‘Power Rangers’ movie is flames

Saturday Night @ the Movies: The ‘Power Rangers’ movie is flames

Saturday Night @ the Movies: The ‘Power Rangers’ movie is flamesEven after the decades that have passed, hearing someone scream “It’s morphing time” still feels special. The Power Rangers series that aired in the 1990s receives a lot of credit for being a cultural icon. It was, but describing it as that leaves so much nuance out. To a generation of kids that didn’t have much else to watch and didn’t have parents to let them in after school, the Power Rangers were a morality play. Here were five teenagers from a nowhere town that looked like you and talked like you. They got good grades and battled monsters. Here was this world that was fair, just and understanding

Saturday Night @ the Movies: The ‘Power Rangers’ movie is flames

Another wave of Xbox One Updates include custom Gampics

Another wave of Xbox One Updates include custom GampicsIf there's one thing that's bothered me about Xbox Live since I first plugged in an Xbox 360 and hit start on Star Trek Legacy, it's the service's unwillingness to put user generated content up for everyone to see. Gamerpics have been the poster child for this problem. Someone inside the company seems to share my disdain for them. Xbox One owners are getting the chance to replace them with their own photos, mercifully.

Another wave of Xbox One Updates include custom Gampics

A taste of Mass Effect Andromeda has me wanting more

A taste of Mass Effect Andromeda has me wanting moreBioware finally takes the blanket of secrecy fully off Mass Effect Andromeda this week. It’s impossible to overstate how popular the Mass Effect franchise is. I have friends with weapons from the game tattooed on their forearm (Hello Stein.) Members of my family have insisted on sending me home from a party early so that I could play the first three games in the series. Yes, I’m that guy amongst a sea of gaming fans who has managed to skip every game in the series until now. Don’t look at me that way. I didn’t have an Xbox 360 when the first Mass Effect arrived. By the time the last one was available I was living on my own. Rent payments and Ramen came first.

A taste of Mass Effect Andromeda has me wanting more