Tonight on Xbox Live: Watch the NBA Finals

Tonight on Xbox Live: Watch the NBA FinalsTonight's 2015 NBA Finals are shaping up to be the massive sporting spectacle we all knew it would be. The Golden State Warriors haven't made it this far in the league's schedule since before there was a such thing as the Regan administration. The Cavaliers, complete with Lebron James, look poised to dominate the court. Tonight you can watch the NBA Finals on the Xbox One and Xbox 360, provided you know where to look.

Tonight on Xbox Live: Watch the NBA Finals

Fallout 4 release confirmed

Fallout 4 release confirmedWe're not too into simple, plain spoken titles around here, but the Fallout 4 announcement slated for tomorrow just calls for one. After years of speculation, a half-dozen believable hoaxes and even love-letters to the series from members of our own staff, Bethesda Software works has confirmed it's preparing to release a new sequel in the long running role-playing game franchise.

Fallout 4 release confirmed

Saturday Night @ the Movies: Kingsman: The Secret Service review

Saturday Night @ the Movies: Kingsman: The Secret Service reviewThe very idea that a covert agent walks among us, taking on risks we never dreamed of seems to resonate with movie goers the world over. We don’t always necessarily identify with their personal identities, their drunk women conquering, but we recognize ourselves in them. We love a movie like Casino Royale or Mission Impossible; there’s a common enemy and only one man who keeps the balance in check. For that to work we need to admire the person doing all the bedding and most of the killing. Kingsman: The Secret Service came out of nowhere to what seems like nearly universal cheers earlier this year. I have a strong feeling it's because it meets those needs for a new generation.

Saturday Night @ the Movies: Kingsman: The Secret Service review