‘Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag free with Xbox Live Gold

‘Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag free with Xbox Live GoldEveryone always marks the beginning of a new month with details about Microsoft's Xbox Live Games with Gold program. What many forget is that regardless of what's offered to Xbox One users, Xbox 360 users are getting a better deal. Take this week's updated title for example. As it's now April 16th, Xbox 360 owners with an Xbox Live Gold subscription can download Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag absolutely free.

‘Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag free with Xbox Live Gold

The Xbox Handbook: What are the Xbox Insider Program and Xbox Ideas?

The Xbox Handbook: What are the Xbox Insider Program and Xbox Ideas?Xbox Live is more than just a way to play games. It's also a community, a community Microsoft is always trying to harness new ideas and feedback from. The Xbox Insider Program and Xbox Ideas website are two major ways you can have an effect on Xbox One, Xbox Live and the Xbox on Windows app.

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