The Culture: See Ori & The Blind Forest

The Culture: See Ori & The Blind ForestPlenty of gamers aren't fans of platformers. More specifically, they aren't a big fan of dying repeatedly by falling into a crevice multiple times and having to earn the right to save their progress if there isn't a checkpoint near by. Still, they're all playing Ori & The Blind Forest this week and its in some part becuase of how amazing the game looks. Thanks to a forum post, users can get a look at the game's incredible visuals without having to venture into The Blind Forest themselves.

The Culture: See Ori & The Blind Forest

Ask enConnected: Xbox on Windows 10 & How to Follow Xbox Live Game Hubs

Ask enConnected: Xbox on Windows 10 & How to Follow Xbox Live Game HubsIf it feels like every time we publish an edition of Ask enConnected there’s a new update for the Xbox One, you’d be right. Microsoft is rolling out so many software updates for that console that it’s hard to keep up. At the same time as it’s pushing the boundaries of what the software on the console can do, the company is also talking more about its Windows 10 entertainment plans. This time around we’re showing you how to follow a game on the Xbox Live hub, educating you on what’s coming with Windows 10 and making some jokes in the process.

Ask enConnected: Xbox on Windows 10 & How to Follow Xbox Live Game Hubs

Sling TV on Xbox One baring gifts

Sling TV on Xbox One baring giftsThis morning, you couldn't stream television to the Xbox One without plugging in an external cable box or having a subscription to Verizon's FiOS service. What a difference an afternoon makes. Earlier today Microsoft finally began letting users download Sling TV for Xbox One, the companion app to the service of the same name.

Sling TV on Xbox One baring gifts