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Ubisoft is trying to turn around Assassin’s Creed Unity’s launch with a new blog, updates
There's no way that anyone who pays attention to weekly happenings in video games denies that developer Ubisoft entertainment isn't having a very bad public relations week thanks to Assassin's Creed Unity. The game launched to some pretty rough reviews thanks to some serious glitches and bugs bugs, despite its next-generation graphics and cinematic story telling. Today, Ubisoft took some decent steps toward fixing its Assassin's Creed Unity problem There's a new update blog tailor-made for fans and Ubisoft says its rethinking its review policies.
Ubisoft is trying to turn around Assassin’s Creed Unity’s launch with a new blog, updates
‘American Horror Story’ seasons at $14.99 in Xbox Video
Every week those of us at enConnected explore the dark corners of the Xbox Video Store to bring you must-have deals on some of the best television shows and movies around. Today we'd like to encourage you to not purchase cheap seasons of American Horror Story in the various Xbox Video apps. Your mind might not be ready for its particularly brand of zaniness.
The Culture: Microsoft says the Xbox One is coming on strong from behind
It only took two price cuts, a ridiculous amount of console bundles and some month's of them distancing themselves from the Kinect 2 sensor, but Microsoft says sales of its Xbox One console are up sharply.
The Culture: Microsoft says the Xbox One is coming on strong from behind
Assassin’s Creed Unity & The Master Chief Collection: Gaming season have arrived
We can all feel it in our bones. By now there should be a brisk wind blowing across your arms and legs, forcing you to cover them both in an actual coat. As you do your household budget you’ll have noticed a big downtick in the amount of spare cash you have to save. You aren’t going on any trips, and you have plenty of vacation time on the books.
Assassin’s Creed Unity & The Master Chief Collection: Gaming season have arrived
Help: App Snapping & Multitasking on the Xbox One
The Xbox One allows people to play video games and watch television and more using a feature called App Snapping. Here's how to multitasking on the Xbox One with app snapping.