Neil Young’s ‘Storytone’ is just $1 in Xbox Music

Neil Young’s ‘Storytone’ is just $1 in Xbox MusicSure, that Music Deals app that Microsoft launched a few weeks ago may have been a strange move from a user standpoint. Tons of people are wondering why this information isn't included in the Xbox Music app already. You can't deny that its coming in handy though. This week, Microsoft is slashing the cost of Neil Young's Storytone album to just $1. There's also some other deals for 80% off.

Neil Young’s ‘Storytone’ is just $1 in Xbox Music

Today on Xbox Live: Help kids & game with Extra Life

Today on Xbox Live: Help kids & game with Extra LifeI've always found it hard to imagine what life is like in other people's shoes. Do the people that I consider normal do the same things that I do? Do they look at technology the same way? Do they see they see beyond the controller and wires of a gaming console and imagine what it can do? I'll never understand those people, but there is a group of gamers who does. Each year they work hard for weeks lining up sponsors and play spaces and donations so that they can play games for hours and donate all the money to children's charities. The initiative is called Extra Life and as of this moment hundreds of those people are streaming their game sessions online through Twitch.

Today on Xbox Live: Help kids & game with Extra Life

‘Legend of Korra’ is half off in Xbox Video

‘Legend of Korra’ is half off in Xbox VideoEvery so often a television show comes along that changes your outlook on the medium. In the case of Avatar: Legend of Korra that medium is cartoons. Forget the garbage that airs on Cartoon Network, Legend of Korra is deep and thought-provoking and has the best animation we've seen yet in a cartoon. You don't have to take my word for it though. Earlier this week Microsoft slashed prices on the first three seasons of Legend of Korra in the Xbox Video Store.

‘Legend of Korra’ is half off in Xbox Video