We don't know about you guys but if there's one thing that helps us make it through these luke-warm fall days, it's the promise of listening to interesting people talk of interesting things in the form of a podcast.
The Culture: Pete and Pete have their own podcast
We don't know about you guys but if there's one thing that helps us make it through these luke-warm fall days, it's the promise of listening to interesting people talk of interesting things in the form of a podcast.
The Culture: Pete and Pete have their own podcast
We don't know about you guys but if there's one thing that helps us make it through these luke-warm fall days, it's the promise of listening to interesting people talk of interesting things in the form of a podcast.
New Xbox One ad invites users to Jump Ahead
With less than a month left before the Xbox One debuts on store shelves, Microsoft is stepping up its advertising campaign for the console and inviting users to “Jump Ahead.”
Radio streaming arrives on Xbox Music for Android too
Users of Xbox Music on Android can create radio stations based on their favorite artists too.
Review: Xbox Video for Windows 8.1
Although Microsoft’s Xbox Music client for Windows 8 took a beating for prioritizing Microsoft’s content store instead of user’s content, that same criticism wasn’t leveled at the company’s Xbox Video client. Truth be told, Xbox Video for Windows 8 was just as bad as its music playing counterpart. It focused too heavily on selling users content and relegated their personal collection to a pane all the way to the right.
Microsoft’s Q1 Earnings: Xbox down a 171%, Surface Sales double
If we're allowed to read between the lies of Microsoft's First Quarter earnings, which were announced this afternoon, it's entirely possible that things are improving for Microsoft's Surface line of tablets. The same can't be said for the division that houses Xbox.
Microsoft’s Q1 Earnings: Xbox down a 171%, Surface Sales double
Microsoft’s Q1 Earnings: Xbox down 171%, Surface Sales double
If we're allowed to read between the lies of Microsoft's First Quarter earnings, which were announced this afternoon, it's entirely possible that things are improving for Microsoft's Surface line of tablets. The same can't be said for the division that houses Xbox.
Microsoft’s Q1 Earnings: Xbox down 171%, Surface Sales double
Red Stripe Deal of the Week for October 24th: Mirror’s Edge and More
Does running up walls, on rooftops and steal beams sound like something you might want to do on your smart phone? Here's some good news, Mirror's Edge is a part of this week's Windows Phone Deal of the Week.
Red Stripe Deal of the Week for October 24th: Mirror’s Edge and More
Xbox Video on its way to Windows Phone, possibly iOS and Android
When Microsoft announced that an official Instagram app would come to the Windows Phone Store "soon", it also highlighted a few other apps that will make their way to the platform over the next few months, including "Xbox Video."
Xbox Video on its way to Windows Phone, possibly iOS and Android